SCAM 2024
Mon 7 - Tue 8 October 2024
co-located with ICSME 2024

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Tue 8 Oct 2024 15:52 - 16:15 at Abineau - Engineering / NIER

With the growing popularity of mobile apps, their complexity and resource demands have increased as end users seek more sophisticated features. This rise in complexity often leads to performance issues, which have become a significant concern for developers and are now seen as critical for maintaining competitiveness in the market. In this paper, we conduct an empirical study aimed at analyzing performance issues and their causes in Android apps. To achieve this, we examine 385 Stack Overflow (SO) Q&A posts out of total 6059 posts. We qualitatively analyzed and formulated two taxonomies: one for performance issues and another for their causes (first of its kind). Our study identifies key categories of performance-related issues, including textit{UI/UX & Graphics, Development/Coding Practices, Performance Optimization, and Data/Database Handling}. Similarly, the main categories for causes of performance issues include textit{Inefficient User Interface Design, Poor Resource Management, and Lack of Development/Coding Practices} among others. These comprehensive taxonomies serve as a checklist or guide for developers to help them identifying, knowing the causes (diagnosing), and resolving performance issues in their app development.

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Tue 8 Oct

Displayed time zone: Mountain Time (US & Canada) change

15:30 - 17:00
GitRev: An LLM-based Gamification Framework for Modern Code Review Activities
Engineering Track
Jasem Khelifi ETS Montreal, University of Quebec, Moataz Chouchen ETS, Ali Ouni ETS Montreal, University of Quebec, Raula Gaikovina Kula Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Dong Wang Kyushu University, Japan, Salma Hamza Mediterranean Institute of Technology, South Mediterranean University, Tunisia, Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer University of Michigan - Flint
An Empirical Study on Understanding Performance Issues and Causes in Android Apps
New Ideas and Emerging Results
Nisha Kumari Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Teerath Das University of Jyväskylä, Tommi Mikkonen University of Jyvaskyla
An Experiment Using Partial Evaluation for Transformational Debugging
New Ideas and Emerging Results
Kanae Tsushima Research Organization of Information and Systems (ROIS), Robert Glück University of Copenhagen
Deciphering Discrepancies: A Comparative Analysis of Docker Image Security
New Ideas and Emerging Results
Brittany Boles Montana State University, Eric O'Donoghue Montana State University, Garrett Perkins Montana State University, Clemente Izurieta Montana State University, Ann Marie Reinhold Montana State University