SCAM 2024
Mon 7 - Tue 8 October 2024
co-located with ICSME 2024
Mon 7 Oct 2024
Tue 8 Oct 2024
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Mon 7 Oct

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08:45 - 09:00
SCAM Opening SessionResearch Track at Fremont
Chair(s): Coen De Roover Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Valentina Lenarduzzi University of Oulu
09:00 - 10:00
SCAM + VISSOFT Joint KeynoteResearch Track at Fremont
SCAM + VISSOFT Keynote: Code that Generates Visual Art
Research Track
Benoit Baudry Université de Montréal
10:00 - 10:30
Coffee BreakICSME Catering at Lobby
Coffee break
ICSME Catering

10:30 - 12:00
Empirical StudiesResearch Track at Fremont
Chair(s): Alexander Serebrenik Eindhoven University of Technology
Research paper
An Empirical Investigation Into the Use of Dockerfile Preprocessors for Docker Image Management
Research Track
Wataru Mabuchi Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Yutaro Kashiwa Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Kenji Fujiwara Nara Women’s University, Hajimu Iida Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Research paper
How do Software Engineering Researchers Use GitHub? An Empirical Study of Artifacts & Impact
Research Track
Kamel Alrashedy Georgia Institute of Technology, Ahmed Binjahlan Georgia Institute of Technology
Research paper
On the Investigation of Exception Pull Request Characteristics: Exploring the Apache Ecosystem
Research Track
João Correia PUC-Rio, Daniel Coutinho Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Alessandro Garcia Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Rafael de Mello UFRJ, Brazil, Caio Barbosa Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Anderson Oliveira Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Wesley Assunção North Carolina State University, Juliana Alves Pereira PUC-Rio, Igor Steinmacher Northern Arizona University, Marco Gerosa Northern Arizona University, Jairo Souza Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Johny Arriel PUC-Rio
Research paper
Software Quality Assurance Analytics: Enabling Software Engineers to Reflect on QA PracticesVideo Presentation
Research Track
Ali Khatami Delft University of Technology, Carolin Brandt Delft University of Technology, Andy Zaidman Delft University of Technology
Live Q&A
Discussion (Empirical Studies)
Research Track

12:00 - 13:30
Lunch BreakICSME Catering at Lobby
13:30 - 15:00
Code SmellsResearch Track at Fremont
Chair(s): Tushar Sharma Dalhousie University
Research paper
Catching Smells in the Act: A GitHub Actions Workflow InvestigationVideo Presentation
Research Track
Ali Khatami Delft University of Technology, Cédric Willekens Delft University of Technology, Andy Zaidman Delft University of Technology
Research paper
Toward Interactive Optimization of Source Code Differences: An Empirical Study of Its Performance
Research Track
Tsukasa Yagi Tokyo Institute of Technology, Shinpei Hayashi Tokyo Institute of Technology
DOI Pre-print
Research paper
On the Prevalence, Evolution, and Impact of Code Smells in Simulation Modelling Software
Research Track
Riasat Mahbub Dalhousie University, Masud Rahman Dalhousie University, Muhammad Ahsanul Habib Dalhousie University
Research paper
An Empirical Analysis of Git Commit Logs for Potential Inconsistency in Code Clones
Research Track
Reishi Yokomori Nanzan University, Katsuro Inoue Nanzan University
Pre-print File Attached
Live Q&A
Discussion (Code Smells)
Research Track

15:00 - 15:30
Coffee BreakICSME Catering at Lobby
Coffee break
ICSME Catering

15:30 - 17:00
MaintenanceResearch Track at Fremont
Chair(s): Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer University of Michigan - Flint
Research paper
Enhancing Recommendations of Composite Refactorings based on the Practice
Research Track
Ana Carla Bibiano Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Anderson Uchôa Federal University of Ceará, Daniel Tenório Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Daniel Coutinho Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Wesley Assunção North Carolina State University, Alessandro Garcia Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Baldoino Fonseca Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL), Márcio Ribeiro Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil, Thelma Elita Colanzi State University of Maringa, Brazil, Audrey Vasconcelos Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL), Rafael de Mello UFRJ, Brazil
Research paper
The Hidden Costs of Automation: An Empirical Study on GitHub Actions Workflow Maintenance
Research Track
Pablo Valenzuela-Toledo University of Bern, Universidad de La Frontera, Alexandre Bergel University of Chile, Oscar Nierstrasz, Timo Kehrer University of Bern
Research paper
Enhancing Identifier Naming Through Multi-Mask Fine-tuning of Language Models of CodeResearch Object ReviewedOpen Research Object
Research Track
Sanidhya Vijayvargiya BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus, Mootez Saad Dalhousie University, Tushar Sharma Dalhousie University
Research paper
Enhancing Security through Modularization: A Counterfactual Analysis of Vulnerability Propagation and Detection Precision
Research Track
Mohammad Mahdi Abdollahpour University of Waterloo, Jens Dietrich Victoria University of Wellington, Patrick Lam University of Waterloo
Live Q&A
Discussion (Maintainance)
Research Track

18:00 - 21:00
Social Event with VISSOFTCatering
Dinner @ Grand Canyon Brewery

Tue 8 Oct

Displayed time zone: Arizona change

08:45 - 10:00
SCAM KeynoteResearch Track at Fremont
Chair(s): Coen De Roover Vrije Universiteit Brussel
SCAM Keynote: The Quest for Practical Static Analysis
Research Track
K: Karim Ali NYU Abu Dhabi
10:30 - 12:00
Program Analysis and GenerationResearch Track at Fremont
Chair(s): Patrick Lam University of Waterloo
Research paper
AUTOGENICS: Automated Generation of Context-Aware Inline Comments for Code Snippets on Programming Q&A Sites Using LLM
Research Track
Suborno Deb Bappon Department of Computer Science, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, Saikat Mondal University of Saskatchewan, Banani Roy University of Saskatchewan
Research paper
Code Search Oriented Node-Enhanced Control Flow Graph EmbeddingVideo Presentation
Research Track
Yang Xu , WenLiang Peng South China University of Technology
Research paper
FRANC: A Lightweight Framework for High-Quality Code Generation
Research Track
Mohammed Latif Siddiq University of Notre Dame, Beatrice Casey University of Notre Dame, Joanna C. S. Santos University of Notre Dame
Research paper
REINFOREST: Reinforcing Semantic Code Similarity for Cross-Lingual Code Search Models
Research Track
Anthony Saieva IBM Research, Saikat Chakraborty Microsoft Research, Gail Kaiser Columbia University
Live Q&A
Discussion (Program Analysis and Generation)
Research Track

12:00 - 13:30
Lunch BreakICSME Catering at Lobby
13:30 - 15:00
Testing & DebuggingResearch Track at Fremont
Chair(s): Wesley Assunção North Carolina State University
Research paper
Migrating Unit Tests Across Java Applications
Research Track
Ajay Jha North Dakota State University, Sarah Nadi New York University Abu Dhabi, University of Alberta
Research paper
PROZE: Generating Parameterized Unit Tests Informed by Runtime Data
Research Track
Deepika Tiwari KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Yogya Gamage Universtité de Montréal, Martin Monperrus KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Benoit Baudry Université de Montréal
Research paper
The Fault in our Stars: Quality Assessment of Code Generation Benchmarks
Research Track
Mohammed Latif Siddiq University of Notre Dame, Simantika Bhattacharjee Dristi BRAC University, Joy Saha BRAC University, Joanna C. S. Santos University of Notre Dame
Research paper
Breaking-Good: Explaining Breaking Dependency Updates with Build Analysis
Research Track
Frank Reyes Garcia KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Benoit Baudry Université de Montréal, Martin Monperrus KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Live Q&A
Discussion (Testing & Debugging)
Research Track

15:00 - 15:30
Coffee BreakICSME Catering at Lobby
15:30 - 16:20
Engineering / NIERNew Ideas and Emerging Results / Engineering Track at Fremont
Chair(s): Eduardo Figueiredo Federal University of Minas Gerais
Research paper
GitRev: An LLM-based Gamification Framework for Modern Code Review Activities
Engineering Track
Jasem Khelifi ETS Montreal, University of Quebec, Moataz Chouchen ETS, Ali Ouni ETS Montreal, University of Quebec, Raula Gaikovina Kula Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Dong Wang Kyushu University, Japan, Salma Hamza Mediterranean Institute of Technology, South Mediterranean University, Tunisia, Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer University of Michigan - Flint
Research paper
An Empirical Study on Understanding Performance Issues and Causes in Android Apps
New Ideas and Emerging Results
Nisha Kumari Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Teerath Das University of Jyväskylä, Tommi Mikkonen University of Jyvaskyla
Research paper
An Experiment Using Partial Evaluation for Transformational DebuggingOnline presentation
New Ideas and Emerging Results
Kanae Tsushima Research Organization of Information and Systems (ROIS), Robert Glück University of Copenhagen
Research paper
Deciphering Discrepancies: A Comparative Analysis of Docker Image Security
New Ideas and Emerging Results
Brittany Boles Montana State University, Eric O'Donoghue Montana State University, Garrett Perkins Montana State University, Clemente Izurieta Montana State University, Ann Marie Reinhold Montana State University
Live Q&A
Discussion (Engineering / NIER)
New Ideas and Emerging Results

16:20 - 17:00
SCAM Most Influential PaperResearch Track at Fremont
Chair(s): Leon Moonen Simula Research Laboratory and BI Norwegian Business School
MIP Presentation: "On Automatically Generating Commit Messages via Summarization of Source Code Changes"
Research Track
Luis Fernando Cortés-Coy , Mario Linares-Vasquez Universidad de los Andes, Jairo Aponte Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Denys Poshyvanyk William & Mary
17:00 - 17:30
Open Steering Committee MeetingResearch Track at Fremont
17:30 - 17:45
Closing and Introduction of SCAM 2025Research Track at Fremont

Accepted Papers

An Empirical Analysis of Git Commit Logs for Potential Inconsistency in Code Clones
Research Track
Pre-print File Attached
An Empirical Investigation Into the Use of Dockerfile Preprocessors for Docker Image Management
Research Track
AUTOGENICS: Automated Generation of Context-Aware Inline Comments for Code Snippets on Programming Q&A Sites Using LLM
Research Track
Breaking-Good: Explaining Breaking Dependency Updates with Build Analysis
Research Track
Catching Smells in the Act: A GitHub Actions Workflow InvestigationVideo Presentation
Research Track
Code Search Oriented Node-Enhanced Control Flow Graph EmbeddingVideo Presentation
Research Track
Discussion (Maintainance)
Research Track

Enhancing Identifier Naming Through Multi-Mask Fine-tuning of Language Models of CodeResearch Object ReviewedOpen Research Object
Research Track
Enhancing Recommendations of Composite Refactorings based on the Practice
Research Track
Enhancing Security through Modularization: A Counterfactual Analysis of Vulnerability Propagation and Detection Precision
Research Track
FRANC: A Lightweight Framework for High-Quality Code Generation
Research Track
How do Software Engineering Researchers Use GitHub? An Empirical Study of Artifacts & Impact
Research Track
Migrating Unit Tests Across Java Applications
Research Track
On the Investigation of Exception Pull Request Characteristics: Exploring the Apache Ecosystem
Research Track
On the Prevalence, Evolution, and Impact of Code Smells in Simulation Modelling Software
Research Track
PROZE: Generating Parameterized Unit Tests Informed by Runtime Data
Research Track
REINFOREST: Reinforcing Semantic Code Similarity for Cross-Lingual Code Search Models
Research Track
SCAM + VISSOFT Keynote: Code that Generates Visual Art
Research Track
Software Quality Assurance Analytics: Enabling Software Engineers to Reflect on QA PracticesVideo Presentation
Research Track
The Fault in our Stars: Quality Assessment of Code Generation Benchmarks
Research Track
The Hidden Costs of Automation: An Empirical Study on GitHub Actions Workflow Maintenance
Research Track
Toward Interactive Optimization of Source Code Differences: An Empirical Study of Its Performance
Research Track
DOI Pre-print

Call for papers

The 24th IEEE International Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2024) aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working on theory, techniques, and applications that concern analysis and/or manipulation of the source code of software systems. The term “source code” refers to any fully executable description of a software system, such as machine code, (very) high-level languages, and executable graphical representations of systems. The term “analysis” refers to any (semi-)automated procedure that yields insight into source code, while “manipulation” refers to any automated or semi-automated procedure that takes and returns source code. While much attention in the wider software engineering community is directed towards other aspects of systems development and evolution, such as specification, design, and requirements engineering, it is the source code that contains the only precise description of the behavior of a system. Thus, the analysis and manipulation of source code remains a critical area of research from which SCAM 2024 solicits high-quality submissions.

Covered Topics and Paper Formats

We welcome submission of papers that describe original and significant work in the field of source code analysis and manipulation. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • abstract interpretation
  • bad smell detection
  • bug location and prediction
  • clone detection
  • concern, concept, and feature localization and mining
  • decompilation
  • energy efficient source code
  • natural language analysis of source code artifacts
  • program comprehension
  • program slicing
  • program transformation and refactoring
  • repository, revision, and change analysis
  • security vulnerability analysis
  • source level metrics
  • source level optimization
  • source-level testing and verification
  • static and dynamic analysis

SCAM explicitly solicits results from any theoretical or technological domain that can be applied to these and similar topics. Submitted papers should describe original, unpublished, and significant work and must not have been previously accepted for publication nor be concurrently submitted for review in another journal, book, conference, or workshop.

Papers must not exceed 12 pages (the last 2 pages can be used for references only) and must conform to the IEEE proceedings paper format guidelines. Templates in Latex and Word are available on IEEE’s website. All submissions must be in English and should be submitted electronically in PDF format. Submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee, judging the paper on its novelty, quality, importance, evaluation, and scientific rigor. If the paper is accepted, at least one author must register for the conference and present the paper. All authors, reviewers, and organizers are expected to uphold the IEEE Code of Conduct. Failure to do so may lead to a (desk) rejection of the paper.

Submission guidelines

All submissions must be in English and should be submitted electronically in PDF format using EasyChair.

  • Papers must not exceed 12 pages, and the last 2 pages can be used for references only.
  • Papers must conform to the IEEE proceedings paper format guidelines. Templates in Latex and Word are available on IEEE’s website.
  • All submissions must be in English and should be submitted electronically in PDF format.
  • Submissions will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee, judging the paper on its novelty, presentation quality, importance, soundness, and the quality of its evaluation.
  • If the paper is accepted, at least one author must register for the conference and present the paper.
  • All authors, reviewers, and organizers are expected to uphold the IEEE Code of Conduct. Failure to do so may lead to a (desk) rejection of the paper.
Double-blind Review

We follow a double-blind reviewing process. Submitted papers must adhere to the following rules:

  • Author names and affiliations must be omitted. (The track co-chairs will check compliance before reviewing begins.)
  • References to authors’ own related work must be in the third person. (For example, not “We build on our previous work…” but rather “We build on the work of…”)

If the program chairs find that the authors did not respect the rules of double-blind review they can decide to (desk) reject the paper.

Artifact Evaluation

ICSME, VISSOFT, and SCAM have joined once more forces and present a single Artifact Evaluation Track for the three venues. We invite authors of any paper accepted to SCAM 2024 to submit artifacts associated with their papers for evaluation. Papers with artifacts that meet the review criteria will be awarded badges, noting their contributions to open science in software engineering.

More information on the Call for Papers of the Joint Artifact Evaluation Track will be available at the ICSME 2024 web page (


All accepted papers will appear in the proceedings which will be available through the IEEE Digital Library.
