SEAMS 2019
Sat 25 - Sun 26 May 2019 Montreal, QC, Canada
co-located with ICSE 2019
Sun 26 May 2019 11:00 - 11:25 at Duluth - Security Chair(s): David Garlan

As any software system, a self-adaptive system is subject to security threats. However, applying self-adaptation may introduce additional threats. So far, little research has been devoted to this important problem. In this paper, we propose an approach for vulnerability analysis of architecture-based adaptations in self-adaptive systems using threat modeling and analysis techniques. To this end, we specify components’ vulnerabilities and the system architecture formally and generate an attack model that describes the attacker’s strategies to attack the system when adaptation is applied by exploiting different vulnerabilities. We use a set of security metrics to quantitatively assess the security risks of adaptations based on the produced attack model which enables the system to consider security aspects while choosing an adaptation to apply to the system. We automate and incorporate our approach into the Rainbow framework, allowing for secure architectural adaptations at runtime.To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, we apply it on a simple document storage system and on the ZNN system.

Sun 26 May

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11:00 - 12:30
SecuritySEAMS 2019 at Duluth
Chair(s): David Garlan Carnegie Mellon University
Towards Secure Architectural AdaptationLong Paper
SEAMS 2019
Narges Khakpour Linnaeus University, Charilaos Skandylas Linnaeus University, Goran Saman Nariman University of Human Development , Danny Weyns Linnaeus University, Sweden
Defeating Denial-of-Service Attacks in a Self-Managing N-Variant SystemBest Paper AwardLong Paper
SEAMS 2019
Jessica Jones Arizona State University, Jason Hiser University of Virginia, Jack Davidson University of Virginia, Stephanie Forrest Arizona State University
Blockchain Networks as Adaptive SystemsNIER
SEAMS 2019
Sotirios Liaskos York University, Bo Wang York University, Nahid Alimohammadi York University
Towards the Detection of Partial Feature InteractionsNIER
SEAMS 2019
Byron Devries Grand Valley State University, Betty H.C. Cheng Michigan State University