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SSBSE 2021
Mon 11 - Tue 12 October 2021
co-located with ESEM 2021
Mon 11 Oct 2021 10:10 - 11:10 at SSBSE ROOM - Keynote (Aldeida Aleti) Chair(s): Xavier Devroey

Aldeida is a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University in Australia, where she leads the Software Engineering Discipline. Aldeida’s research is in the area of search-based software engineering (SBSE), with a particular focus on what makes software engineering problems (design, testing, program repair) hard to optimise and designing approaches that make it easier to apply SBSE techniques to new problems. Aldeida has published more than 50 papers at top AI, optimisation and software engineering venues, served as PC member and organising committee at both SE and optimisation/AI conferences, such as ASE, ICSE, GECCO, SSBSE, ISSTA, IJCAI, etc., is in the editorial board of JSS, and a reviewer for journals such as JSS, IEEE TSE, IEEE TEC, etc. Aldeida has attracted more than $1,000,000 in competitive research funding and was awarded the prestigious Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA fellowship) from the Australian Research Council.

Mon 11 Oct

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

10:10 - 11:10
Keynote (Aldeida Aleti)Keynotes at SSBSE ROOM
Chair(s): Xavier Devroey University of Namur
On the Effectiveness of SBSE Techniques through Instance Space Analysis
I: Aldeida Aleti Monash University