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SSBSE 2021
Mon 11 - Tue 12 October 2021
co-located with ESEM 2021

Search-Based System Testing with EvoMaster

Andrea Arcuri

Andrea Arcuri

Abstract - In this tutorial, I will show how to use the open-source EvoMaster tool to generate system-level test cases for different web services (e.g., RESTful APIs written in Java). The generated test cases can then be used to enable different kinds of research endeavors. I will also give an overview of the source code and architecture of EvoMaster, to help researchers that need to extend it for their research work.

Bio - Dr. Andrea Arcuri is a Professor of Software Engineering at Kristiania University College and OsloMet, Oslo, Norway, where he teaches courses on enterprise and web development. His main research interests are in software testing, especially test case generation using evolutionary algorithms. Having worked 5 years in industry as a senior software engineer, a main focus of his research is to design novel research solutions that can actually be used in practice. Dr. Arcuri is the main-author of EvoMaster and a co-author of EvoSuite, which are open-source tools that can automatically generate test cases using evolutionary algorithms. He currently holds an ERC Consolidator Grant on the topic of Evolutionary Automated Security Testing

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Tue 12 Oct

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10:00 - 11:00
TutorialTutorials at SSBSE ROOM
Chair(s): Annibale Panichella Delft University of Technology
Search-Based System Testing with EvoMaster
I: Andrea Arcuri Kristiania University College and Oslo Metropolitan University