ESEM 2021 (Virtual Event)
Mon 11 - Fri 15 October 2021
Welcome to the website of the ESEM 2021 conference, the 15th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement.
ESEM is the premier conference for presenting research results related to empirical software engineering. ESEM provides a stimulating forum where researchers and practitioners can present and discuss recent research results on a wide range of topics, in addition to exchanging ideas, experiences and challenging problems.
ESEM will be virtual again in 2021 due to the uncertainty about the evolution of COVID-19
We will miss hosting you in Bari but we will take advantage of this unfortunate situation to strengthen open participation
We are working to fill the website with all related information. Please check back soon!
If you do not have a paper to be included in the conference proceedings, the registration is for FREE. If a co-author has registered for your paper in the proceedings, the registrations is still for free.
Please complete the registration BEFORE the conference starts.
For the detailed program, see here.
Keynote Speakers
Massimiliano Di Penta University of Sannio, Italy

How Empirical Research Supports Tool Development: A Retrospective Analysis and new Horizons
Abstract. "Empirical research provides two-fold support to the development of approaches and tools aimed at supporting software engineers. On the one hand, empirical studies help to understand a phenomenon or a context of interest. [...]"For more details, see here.
Maria Lomeli and Mark Harman Facebook, UK

Measurement Challenges for Cyber-Cyber Digital Twins: Experiences from the Deployment of Facebookâs WW Simulation System
Abstract. "This talk concerns measurement of software systems built as cyber-cyber digital twins. A cyber-cyber digital twin is a deployed software model [...]"For more details, see here.
Accepted papers
Technical Papers: Received 124, accepted 24 (19.4%).
Emerging Results and Vision papers: Received 36, accepted 12 (33%).
Journal-First Papers: Received 5, accepted 4 (80%).