STAF 2024
Mon 8 - Thu 11 July 2024 Enschede, Netherlands

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Mon 8 Jul 2024 09:00 - 10:00 at Waaier 3 - WADT Keynote Session 1 Chair(s): Tom van Dijk

We survey one branch of algebraic logic, namely modal semirings. They provide compact algebraic definitions of actions, with choice + and sequential composition . , together with multi-modal operators box and diamond that allow reasoning about successors and predecessors of states/worlds. Particular instances are homogeneous binary relations or sets of finite and infinite non-empty traces under fusing concatenation.

As main examples of applications we present obstacle analysis for geographic wayfinders, Hoare Logic, O’Hearn’s Incorrectness Logic, General Correctness Logic, as well as the temporal logic CTL* and its sublogics CTL and LTL. We also give glimpses at Epistemic Logics of belief and knowledge, pointer structures and Separation Logic, and preference database queries.

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Mon 8 Jul

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

09:00 - 10:30
WADT Keynote Session 1Keynotes / WADT at Waaier 3
Chair(s): Tom van Dijk University of Twente
WADT Keynote 1 - Some Uses of Modal Semirings
K: Bernhard Möller University of Augsburg
File Attached
Bialgebraic Representation of Controlled Coordination of Interacting System Components
P: Harald König FHDW University of Applied Sciences, Uwe Wolter University of Bergen
File Attached