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VEE 2017
Sat 8 - Sun 9 April 2017 Xi'an, China
Sun 9 Apr 2017 09:30 - 10:00 at Zhu Que Room - Security Chair(s): Maoni Stephens

Recent code reuse attacks are able to circumvent various address space layout randomization (ASLR) techniques by exploiting memory disclosure vulnerabilities. To mitigate sophisticated code reuse attacks, we proposed a light-weight virtual machine, RERANZ, which deploys a novel continuous binary code re-randomization to mitigate memory disclosure oriented attacks. In order to meet security and performance goals, costly code randomization operations are outsourced to a separate process, called the “shuffling process”. The shuffling process continuously flushed the old code and replaced it with a fine-grained randomized code variant. RERANZ repeats the process each time an adversary might obtain the information and upload a payload. Our performance evaluation shows that RERANZ Virtual Machine incurs a very low performance overhead. The security evaluation shows that RERANZ successfully protect the Nginx web server against the Blind-ROP attack.

Sun 9 Apr

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09:00 - 10:30
SecuritySession 4 at Zhu Que Room
Chair(s): Maoni Stephens
Security analysis of encrypted virtual machines
Session 4
Felicitas Hetzelt Technical University of Berlin, Robert Buhren
RERANZ: A Light-Weight Virtual Machine to Mitigate Memory Disclosure Attacks
Session 4
Zhe Wang State Key Laboratory of Computer Architecture, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chenggang Wu Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Science, Jianjun Li State Key Laboratory of Computer Architecture, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yuanming Lai State Key Laboratory of Computer Architecture, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiangyu Zhang Purdue University, Wei-Chung Hsu Dept. Computer Science & Information Engineering, National Taiwan University, Yueqiang Cheng Acetti Software
Using OS Design Patterns to Provide Reliability and Security as-a-Service for VM-based Clouds
Session 4
Zachary J. Estrada University of Illinois, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Read Sprabery University of Illinois, Lok Yan Air Force Research Laboratory, Zhongzhi Yu University of Illinois, Roy Campbell University of Illinois, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk University of Illinois, Ravishankar K. Iyer University of Illinois