Mutation 2020
Sat 24 Oct 2020 Porto, Portugal
co-located with ICST 2020

Mutation is widely acknowledged as one of the most important techniques to assess the fault-revealing ability of tests. In recent years, mutation has gained popularity both in academia and research, with several companies and research projects attempting to incorporate mutation to the development life cycle. Mutation analysis has traditionally targeted the source code but has also been successfully applied to various artefacts at different levels of abstraction. Examples of such artefacts include: database schemas, finite state machines, various model notations, security policies, software product lines, etc. Mutation has also been employed to solve various research problems including the Test Oracle Problem, Fault Localisation and Debugging, Defect Prediction, etc. To this day, the mutation field continues to expand with an increasing trend of high quality publications.

Mutation 2020 is the 15th in the series of international workshops focusing on mutation analysis. The workshop will be co-located with the 13th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation (ICST 2020). Accepted papers will be published as part of the ICST proceedings.

The Mutation workshop aims to be the premier forum for practitioners and researchers to discuss recent advances in the area and propose new research directions. We invite submissions of both full-length and short-length research papers and especially encourage the submission of industry practice papers.

All information about this workshop can be found at the workshop’s official website:

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Sat 24 Oct

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12:40 - 15:00
Day opening
Warm Up
Mutation 2020

Day opening
Mutation 2020

Mutation 2020
Mike Papadakis University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
On the impact of timeouts and JVM crashes in Pitest
Mutation 2020
Thomas Laurent Lero & University College Dublin, Fionnuala Wall Lero and University College Dublin, Anthony Ventresque Lero and University College Dublin
Link to publication DOI
Using mutation testing to measure behavioural test diversity
Mutation 2020
Francisco Gomes de Oliveira Neto Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Felix Dobslaw Chalmers University of Technology, Robert Feldt Chalmers University of Technology
Link to publication DOI
15:15 - 16:30
SiMut: Exploring Program Similarity to Support the Cost Reduction of Mutation Testing
Mutation 2020
Alessandro V. Pizzoleto Federal University of Sao Carlos, Fabiano Ferrari Federal University of São Carlos, Lucas D. Dallilo University of Sao Paulo, Jeff Offutt George Mason University
Link to publication DOI
Predicting Survived and Killed Mutants
Mutation 2020
Alejandra Duque Torres Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu, Natia Doliashvili Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu, Dietmar Pfahl University of Tartu, Rudolf Ramler Software Competence Center Hagenberg
Link to publication DOI
Fault Types of Adaptive and Context-Aware Systems and Their Relationship with Fault-based Testing Approaches
Mutation 2020
Bento Rafael Siqueira Federal University of São Carlos, Fabiano Ferrari Federal University of São Carlos, Kathiani E. Souza Federal University of São Carlos, Daniel S. M. Santibáñez Federal University of São Carlos, Valter Vieira Camargo Federal University of São Carlos
Link to publication DOI
MutantDistiller: Using Symbolic Execution for Automatic Detection of Equivalent Mutants and Generation of Mutant Killing Tests
Mutation 2020
Michael Baer , Norbert Oster , Michael Philippsen Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
Link to publication DOI
An Approach to Identifying Minimal and Equivalent Mutants Based on Source Code Structure
Mutation 2020
Claudinei Brito Junior Universidade de São Paulo, Vinicius Durelli Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei, Rafael S. Durelli Federal University of Lavras Lavras, Simone do Rocio Senger de Souza University of São Paulo - USP, Auri Vincenzi Federal University of São Carlos, Marcio Eduardo Delamaro Universidade de São Paulo
Link to publication DOI

Call for Submissions

Mutation is widely acknowledged as one of the most important techniques to assess the quality of tests. In recent years, mutation has gained popularity both in academia and research, with several companies and research projects attempting to incorporate mutation to the development life cycle. Mutation analysis has traditionally targeted the source code but has also been successfully applied to various artefacts at different levels of abstraction. Examples of such artefacts include: database schemas, finite state machines, various model notations, security policies, software product lines, etc. Mutation has also been employed to solve various research problems including the Test Oracle Problem, Fault Localisation and Debugging, Defect Prediction, etc. To this day, the mutation field continues to expand with an increasing trend of high quality publications. The Mutation workshop aims to be the premier forum for practitioners and researchers to discuss recent advances in the area and propose new research directions. We invite submissions of both full-length and short-length research papers and especially encourage the submission of industry practice papers.

Topics of interest

Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Mutation-based test adequacy criteria (theoretical analyses and practical applications).
  • Mutation-based test data generation.
  • Higher order mutation testing.
  • Novel mutation testing paradigms and applications.
  • Novel solutions to mutation’s problems.
  • Empirical studies using and/or evaluating mutation.
  • Theoretical analysis of mutation testing.
  • Mutation testing tools.
  • Industrial experience and application of mutation testing.
  • Mutation for mobile, internet, and cloud-based systems (QoS, power consumption, etc).
  • Mutation for non-functional properties, including security, reliability, performance, etc.
  • Mutation for artificial intelligence (e.g., data mutation, model mutation, mutation-based test data generation, etc.)

Types of submission

Three types of papers can be submitted to the workshop:

  • Full papers (10 pages): Research, case studies.
  • Short papers (6 pages): Research in progress, tools.
  • Industrial papers (6 pages): Applications and lessons learned in industry.
  • Poster papers (2 pages): Research in progress, tools, problem descriptions, new ideas.

Each paper must conform to the two columns IEEE conference publication format and must be submitted in PDF format via EasyChair. Submissions will be evaluated according to the relevance and originality of the work and to their ability to generate discussions between the participants of the workshop. Three reviewers will review each paper and all the accepted papers will be published as part of the ICST proceedings.

Special issue on mutation analysis and its industrial applications

We encourage authors of accepted papers to submit an extended version of their paper to a special issue on Mutation Analysis and its Industrial Applications published by the Journal of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability (STVR).
