Mon 1 - Wed 3 December 2025 Salerno , Italy

PROFES, the International Conference on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement, is among the top-recognized software development and process improvement conferences. The objective is to provide a premier forum for practitioners, researchers, and educators to present and discuss experiences, ideas, innovations, as well as concerns related to professional software process improvement motivated by product and service quality needs.

PROFES conferences encourage the exchange of ideas that help explore, understand, and model phenomena in software engineering from the point of view of process-product relationships. Traditionally, PROFES provides topics, which are up-to-date, important, and interesting to both practitioners and researchers. To ensure that PROFES will retain its high standards and that it will keep focusing on the most relevant research issues, we are looking for original research on current trends in software engineering aspects addressing products and services. Further, PROFES asks for studies reporting on the application of respective methods or technologies in real settings.

PROFES cares about fundamental ethical values related to diversity, as gender, ethnicity, disability, religion, and similar personal traits. Diversity will be sought at different levels, remarkably including conference committees’ composition.

PROFES conference organizers will set as highest priority to provide a welcoming, respectful, and positive atmosphere to all attendees. Aggressive or offensive language will not be allowed in talks, questions, or answers. Aggressive or offensive behavior, including any type of harassment, will not be allowed in the event, being a justified reason for expulsion without any compensation. For more details on the PROFES Conferences Code of Conduct, see here.

All PROFES conference committees as well as authors are obliged to follow and apply the Ethical Guideline as available at SPRINGER.