TestEd 2020
Wed 28 Oct 2020 Porto, Portugal
co-located with ICST 2020

TestEd 2020 is the first workshop entirely focused on education in software testing – how to teach and learn software testing and how to get more software testing into the classrooms. TestEd will bring together researchers and practitioners who teach software testing to share and discuss their experience and best advice on how to bring more and better software testing education into courses.

All information about this workshop can be found at the workshop’s official website: https://testedworkshop.github.io/

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Wed 28 Oct

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13:00 - 13:50
Day opening
TestEd 2020
Birgitta Lindström , Jeff Offutt George Mason University
Teaching a Testing Concept (JUnit) with Active Learning
TestEd 2020
Kesina Baral George Mason University, Paul Ammann George Mason University, USA
Link to publication DOI
Teaching Software Testing with Free and Open Source Software
TestEd 2020
Lin Deng Towson University, Josh Dehlinger Towson University, Suranjan Chakraborty Towson University
Link to publication DOI
Teaching Software Testing in an Algorithms and Data Structures Course
TestEd 2020
Andrea Arcuri Kristiania University College, Norway
Link to publication DOI
14:00 - 14:45
Session IITestEd 2020 at Arrábida
How to Teach Software Testing? Experiences with a Sandwich Approach
TestEd 2020
Leen Lambers Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Universität Potsdam
Link to publication DOI
A Case-based Approach for introducing Testing Tools and Principles
TestEd 2020
Frédéric Dadeau Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comté FEMTO-ST Institute/DISC, CNRS, Besançon, Jean-Philippe Gros , Fabien Peureux Institut FEMTO-ST (UMR CNRS 6174) and Smartesting S&S
Link to publication DOI
Can Learning Formal Specification Be Fun? - Experience and Perspective
TestEd 2020
Wishnu Prasetya Utrecht University, Craig Leek Utrecht University, Roan Oosenbrug Utrecht University, Petar Kostic Utrecht University, Mike de Vries Utrecht University
Link to publication DOI
15:00 - 15:45
Session IIITestEd 2020 at Arrábida
Integrating Testing Throughout the CS Curriculum
TestEd 2020
Sarah Heckman NC State University, Jessica Young Schmidt North Carolina State University, Jason King North Carolina State University
Link to publication DOI
A Preliminary Report on Hands-On and Cross-Course Activities in a College Software Testing Course
TestEd 2020
Upsorn Praphamontripong Computer Science, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Mark Floryan Computer Science, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Ryan Ritzo Computer Science, University of Virginia, Charlottesville
Link to publication DOI
Incorporating Testing Topics in an Object-Oriented Programming Course
TestEd 2020
Link to publication DOI

Accepted Papers

A Case-based Approach for introducing Testing Tools and Principles
TestEd 2020
Link to publication DOI
A Preliminary Report on Hands-On and Cross-Course Activities in a College Software Testing Course
TestEd 2020
Link to publication DOI
Can Learning Formal Specification Be Fun? - Experience and Perspective
TestEd 2020
Link to publication DOI
How to Teach Software Testing? Experiences with a Sandwich Approach
TestEd 2020
Link to publication DOI
Incorporating Testing Topics in an Object-Oriented Programming Course
TestEd 2020
Link to publication DOI
Integrating Testing Throughout the CS Curriculum
TestEd 2020
Link to publication DOI
Teaching a Testing Concept (JUnit) with Active Learning
TestEd 2020
Link to publication DOI
Teaching Software Testing in an Algorithms and Data Structures Course
TestEd 2020
Link to publication DOI
Teaching Software Testing with Free and Open Source Software
TestEd 2020
Link to publication DOI
Teaching Software Testing with the Code Defenders Testing Game: Experiences and Improvements
TestEd 2020
Link to publication DOI
Towards a Learning Environment for Internet of Things Testing with LEGO® MINDSTORMS®
TestEd 2020
Link to publication DOI

Call for Submissions

TestEd 2020 focuses on knowledge diffusion of software testing—especially how to teach it. The research community has created enormous amounts of knowledge for how to test software, yet many professional software engineers have little of this knowledge. This is despite the fact that testing is crucial to the success of all types of modern software products. We will specifically focus on two goals. First, how can we teach more testing within computing degrees? Second, how can we better teach the knowledge and skills of software testing? This workshop will give an opportunity for those who teach testing to share their ideas, and for us all to learn more about teaching software testing.

Topics and types of contributions

Topics include—but are not limited to—teaching materials, active classroom exercises, theory vs. practice how to solve classroom problems, how to teach specific skills (test design, test automation etc.),\ how to teach students to think like a tester, and professional ethics. Shared experiences could come from courses at any level in academia or industry. It could also come from teaching a dedicated course in software testing or a software engineering course where testing is a small part. Our goal is to have a minimum of “talk at” and a maximum of “sharing with.” Hence, we are looking for multiple types of contributions, including traditional paper-based presentations, mini-talks about specific strategies and tactics, or demonstrations of classroom activities. We also welcome you to organize an activity such as a group discussion about tricks of the trade or an audience-focused panel to answer questions about teaching software testing. We accept:

  • Full papers (6-8 pages)
  • Short papers (2-4 pages)
  • Mini-talk proposals (1 page)
  • Demonstration activity proposal (1 page)
  • Panels and group discussion proposals (1 page)
  • Other activity proposals (1 page)


Full and short papers must conform to the two columns IEEE conference publication format and must be submitted in PDF format via EasyChair. These submissions will be evaluated according to the relevance and originality of the work and to their ability to generate discussions between the participants of the workshop. Three reviewers will review each paper and all the accepted papers will be published as part of the ICST proceedings. Proposals for mini-talks, demonstrations, discussions or other need not to conform to the publication format but should be limited to one page, 10p, and submitted in PDF via EasyChair. These submissions will be evaluated according to several criteria, including novelty, potential for participants to learn, and maturity of the planned session. Three reviewers will evaluate each proposal. All materials for accepted contributions, including slides, summaries, and lesson plans, will be published on a public website.

Special issue on software testing education

Well received contributions will be invited to a special issue on test education in the journal of Software Testing, Verification, and Reliability.
