UPDATE (5/9): Please see additional presenter information in https://conf.researchr.org/attending/cain-2022/attending-cain-virtually-on-midspace
Congratulations on the acceptance of your paper / poster / talk to CAIN 2022.
The CAIN conference schedule is now online: https://conf.researchr.org/info/cain-2022/program-overview
Conference Format
CAIN will run each day from 6:00 AM to approximately 12:00 noon Eastern Time. This time window was chosen based on the geographic distribution of the authors.
We will use live presentations. The presentation time slots are
- 15 minutes (including questions) for research papers and industry talks and
- 3 minutes (no questions) for posters. Questions for posters can be asked during the poster visits.
Each session will end with a 15 minute general discussion with the authors around the themes of each presentation in that session.
If you are unable to present live or prefer playback of a recording, please let us know as soon as you can and we will look into playback of a recorded presentation. We expect one of the authors of the paper to be present live to participate in the question and answer session and discussion.
We will use the Midspace conferencing system for the conference (see below).
To increase the visibility of your work, we encourage you to upload preprints of your papers to the conference web-page at https://conf.researchr.org/info/cain-2022/. While a recording of your paper is not required, if you decide to produce a recording we strongly encourage you to upload that as well.
We also encourage you to add the link to your paper’s pre-print on Midspace so the audience can have the papers available (the official proceedings will not be available in time for the virtual events).
At least one author needs to register to have access to the CAIN event in Midspace and be able to present. Please make sure you can access Midspace some days before the CAIN event, so you become familiar with the environment and test your camera, audio, and presentation details. You can create a private room and experiment with the environment by yourself.
CAIN will use video chat, which works similar to the Zoom Meeting video chat feature. Midspace’s video chat is in-browser and does not require a separate application. Chairs & presenters can unmute, turn on camera, screenshare (with or without system audio) and can control who is visible/audible in the meetings