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LCTES 2017
Wed 21 - Thu 22 June 2017 Barcelona, Spain
co-located with PLDI 2017
Anastasios Antoniadis

Registered user since Fri 10 Mar 2017

Name:Anastasios Antoniadis

I am a Ph.D. student at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications at the University of Athens. I started my Ph.D. on October 2016 under the supervision of professor Yannis Smaragdakis and I am a member of the programming languages and software technologies research group of the department—PLaST.

My main research area is static points-to analysis of Java programs. In particular, my focus is on large-scale Java applications, such as Java EE applications and static analysis scalability under highly precise context-sensitivity.

In the past, I worked as a research assistant at Oracle Labs Australia in 2019 for 5 months. I was also an intern at CERN for a year in 2012-2013.

Nowadays I am also heavily invested in tech and gaming related blogging and reviews.

Personal website: https://borderpolar.com


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