Registered user since Sun 29 Nov 2020
Name:Abbas Heydarnoori
Dr. Abbas Heydarnoori has been a faculty member in the Department of Computer Science at Bowling Green State University, USA, since 2022. Previously, he was a faculty member in the Department of Computer Engineering at Sharif University of Technology from 2012. Before joining Sharif University, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the Faculty of Informatics at the University of Lugano, Switzerland. Dr. Heydarnoori completed his Ph.D. in the School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo, Canada, in 2009. His research interests include AI4SE, Software Analytics, Software Maintenance and Evolution, and Empirical Software Engineering.
Country:United States
Affiliation:Bowling Green State University
Personal website: https://heydarnoori.github.io/
GitHub: https://github.com/heydarnoori
Research interests:AI4SE, Software Analytics, Software Maintenance and Evolution, Empirical Software Engineering
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