Registered user since Mon 28 Aug 2023
Name:Po-Chun Chien
Po-Chun Chien (ORCID, DBLP) is a doctoral researcher at SoSy-Lab, LMU Munich, and is a part of the DFG research training group ConVeY. Prior to joining SoSy-Lab, he received his B.S. and M.S. degree from National Taiwan University.
His research focuses on formal verification and optimization of computational systems, including software programs and VLSI circuits. He has developed and contributed to several open-source verification tools, including CPAchecker, Btor2C, CoVeriTeam, and ABC.
Affiliation:LMU Munich
Personal website: https://www.sosy-lab.org/people/chien/
Research interests:Formal Methods, Logic Synthesis, Machine Learning
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