Registered user since Wed 30 May 2018
Prof. Tiziana Margaria is Chair of Software Systems at the University of Limerick. She leads the digital manufacturing Platform within the Research Ireland funded I-Form Centre for advanced manufacturing and she is a co-director of the National Centre of Research Training in AI. She works on neurosymbolic approaches to create connected digital IT spaces (data, processes, machines, and their interoperability) and on explainable AI for case-by-case auditable high assurance systems. This combines various kinds of formal methods and deterministic reasoning with suitable AI and ML technologies. Her current Research Ireland project on Low-code-No-code platform development devotes over 5 Mio Euro to a formal methods-embedded platform that makes high assurance software application development sustainable and accessible to non-programmers. Tiziana is currently President of the Irish Computing Society (ICS), Vice President of the European Association of Software Science and Technology (EASST); steering committee member of ETAPS. She is past President of FMICS (the ERCIM Working Group on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems) and current Chair of the IFIP WG 1.9/2.15 on Verified Software.
Contact her at tiziana.margaria@ul.ie
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