Registered user since Wed 30 May 2018
Tiziana Margaria is Chair of Software Systems and Head of Department at the Dept. of Computer Science and Information Systems at the University of Limerick. She also heads the Lero Committee on International Relations Development. She has broad experience in the use of formal methods for high assurance systems, in particular concerning functional verification, reliability, and compliance of complex heterogeneous systems. She is currently Vice President of the European Association of Software Science and Technology (EASST); President of FMICS (the ERCIM Working Group on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems); steering committee member of ETAPS, the European joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software; managing editor of STTT, the Springer Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer; and co-founder of the TACAS and ISoLA series of conferences. Tiziana is a Fellow of the Irish Computer Society and of SDPS, the Society for Design and Process Science. In EuSEM (European Society for Emergency Medicine), she co-chairs the Special Interest Group on Technology and Processes of Care in the Emergency Care (SIG-TPCEC). In Education, she has co-chaired IEEE COMPSAC CELT (Symposium on Computer Education Teaching and Learning) in 2017 and 2018, a founder of FM-SEET (on Formal Methods Education) and is a promoter of OER, Open Education Resouces.
In Lero, she heads research projects on model-driven service-oriented Software design for evolving systems, on Scientific Workflows, in particular for data analytics, and on holistic HW/SW Cybersecurity.
Contact her at tiziana.margaria@ul.ie (https://www.lero.ie/people/tiziana-margaria)