Registered user since Mon 30 Nov 2020
Eduard C. Groen is a Senior Requirements Engineer and Project Manager at the Department of Digital Innovation Design at the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering IESE in Kaiserslautern, Germany. His work predominantly focuses on designing digital ecosystems in a wide variety of domains. In research, he is best known for his work on “Crowd-based Requirements Engineering”, which he coined at the REFSQ’15 and has published on in IEEE Software, at the RE, the REConf, and the NLP4RE & CrowdRE workshop series.
He holds a master’s degree in Psychology with a specialization in Engineering Psychology from the University of Twente, the Netherlands. Alongside his work, he is pursuing his PhD on CrowdRE at Utrecht University, the Netherlands under Prof. Dr. Sjaak Brinkkemper, which focuses on the derivation of functional and non-functional requirements from natural language texts.
He currently is a Program Committee member for the CHASE’22 conference, the RE@Next! track at RE’22, and the NLP4RE’22, SEmotion’22 and REWBAH’22 workshops, and an incumbent Steering Committee member of AIRE and CrowdRE. Previously, he has co-chaired the REFSQ’20 Posters & Tools track, and co-organized the CreaRE (2017–2021), CrowdRE (2017, 2019–2021), and AIRE (2018) workshops, and has served on the program committees of numerous workshops and the RE’21 Industry Innovation track.
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