Registered user since Sun 20 Jun 2021
Name:Rrezarta Krasniqi
I am an Assistant Professor of Software Engineering at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. In my research, I primarily focus on quality-related bug detection problems. Alongside this focus, I develop tools and techniques to enhance and contextualize the understanding of complex system-wide quality issues related to security, usability, reliability among others that arise from long-term maintenance efforts, while promoting effective empirical methodologies to enhance software quality.
Country:United States
Affiliation:University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Personal website: https://rrezarta-krasniqi.github.io
X (Twitter): https://x.com/rr_krasniqi
Research interests:Software Engineering, Requirement Engineering, Software Quality, Software Maintenance and Evolution, Software Engineering for AI, Applied Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Empirical Methodologies
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