Registered user since Tue 26 Sep 2017
Dr. Chakkrit (Kla) Tantithamthavorn is an ARC DECRA Fellow and a lecturer in the Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Australia. His current research focuses on practical and explainable analytics to prevent future software defects. His research has been published at top-tier software engineering venues, such as IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE), and the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). He is best known as a lead instructor at MSR Education 2019 about Guidelines and Pitfalls for Mining, Analyzing, Modelling, and Explaining Software Defects, and the author of the ScottKnott ESD R package (i.e., a statistical mean comparison test) with more than 10,000 downloads. More about him is available at http://chakkrit.com
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the Technical Track-track
- An Empirical Study of Model-Agnostic Techniques for Defect Prediction Models
- Predicting Defective Lines Using a Model-Agnostic Technique
- Assessing the Students' Understanding and their Mistakes in Code Review Checklists -An Experience Report of 1,791 Code Review Checklists from 394 Students
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