Registered user since Sun 11 Jul 2021
Judith Michael is a PostDoc and team leader at the Software Engineering chair at RWTH Aachen University (Germany) and a member of the supervisory board of the Lakeside Science & Technology Park GmbH (Austria). She is the spokesperson of the modeling community within the German Informatics Society (GI) and a member of the GI executive committee. Within the German Cluster of Excellence “Internet of Production”, she is the deputy coordinator of the workstream A.II “Conceptual Foundations of Digital Shadows”.
Her research focuses on the engineering of complex, long-lasting, software-intensive systems in an integrated approach with different disciplines. She has experience in software language engineering, the engineering of digital twins, and the model-driven software engineering of information and assistive systems.
Judith completed her habilitation at RWTH Aachen University on “Model-Driven Engineering of Digital Twins with Informative and Assistive Services” in 2024 and received her PhD in Computer Science about Cognitive Modeling for Ambient Assistance from Universität Klagenfurt (Austria) in 2014 (Supervisor: Heinrich C. Mayr). She was a visiting researcher at KIT (Germany), Western Sydney University (Australia), and Monash University (Australia).
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the Technical Track-track
- Author of Teaching Model-Driven Low-Code Development Platforms within the Educators Symposium-track
- Publicity & Social Media Co-Chair in Organizing Committee
- Committee Member in Panel of Experts within the ACM SRC-track
- Author of A model-based reference architecture for complex assistive systems and its application within the Journal-First-track
- Author of Digital Twins of Socio-Technical Ecosystems to Drive Societal Change within the SAM Conference-track
- Author of Best paper awards within the Technical Track-track
- General and PC Chair in Organizing Committee
- Committee Member in Steering Committee
- Session Chair of Session 1: Keynote (part of Technical Track)
- General and PC Chair of Conference opening within the Technical Track-track
- Co-chair in Program Committee within the Technical Track-track