Registered user since Sun 11 Jul 2021
Judith Michael is PostDoc and team leader for Model-Based Assistance and Information Services at the chair of Software Engineering / Computer Science 3 of Prof. Bernhard Rumpe (RWTH Aachen University), member of the supervisory board of the Lakeside Science & Technology Park GmbH, Austria (since 2016) and member of the extended Board of Management of the German Informatics Society e.V. (GI) (since 2020).
She received her doctorate in Informatics from the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (AAU, Austria) in 2014 where she was a member of the Application Engineering Research Group of Prof. Heinrich C. Mayr (2011-2017). Her Ph.D. thesis in the Human Behavior Monitoring and Support project (HBMS) was about Cognitive Modeling for Ambient Assistance. In 2015, she has been appointed as a Junior Fellow of the GI.
Her research focus is (conceptual) models in a variety of domains and applications, domain-specific modeling languages and methods, model-based software engineering, and software architectures. Recent work deals with privacy-preserving system design, the human factor on the internet of production, smart assisted living, the semantic analysis of models, behavior goal modeling, and assistive and informative systems in general.
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