Registered user since Sat 8 Aug 2015
Name:Nobuko Yoshida
Affiliation:Imperial College London
- Multiparty Motion Coordination: From Choreographies to Robotics Programs
- Featherweight Go
- Statically Verified Refinements for Multiparty Protocols
- Static Race Detection and Mutex Safety and Liveness for Go Programs
- CAMP: Cost-Aware Multiparty Session Protocols
- Statically Verified Refinements for Multiparty Protocols
- CAMP: Cost-Aware Multiparty Session Protocols
- Featherweight Go
- Multiparty Session Programming with Global Protocol Combinators
- Multiparty Motion Coordination: From Choreographies to Robotics Programs
- CAMP: Cost-Aware Multiparty Session Protocols
- Statically Verified Refinements for Multiparty Protocols
- Multiparty Session Programming with Global Protocol Combinators
- Static Race Detection and Mutex Safety and Liveness for Go Programs
- Static Race Detection and Mutex Safety and Liveness for Go Programs (Artifact)
- Multiparty Session Programming with Global Protocol Combinators
- Multiparty Session Programming with Global Protocol Combinators
- Static Race Detection and Mutex Safety and Liveness for Go Programs
SPLASH 2020-profile
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