Registered user since Wed 24 Jan 2018
Name:Colin C. Venter
Dr Colin C. Venters is a Reader (Associate Professor) in Software Engineering at the University of Huddersfield. His primary research interest is in architectural-level reasoning for pre-system understanding, and post-system maintenance and evolution in the design of sustainable software systems. He is a founding member of the Sustainability Design Alliance (www.sustainabilitydesign.org) and co-author of the Karlskrona Manifesto for Sustainability Design (https://www.sustainabilitydesign.org/karlskrona-manifesto/).
Country:United Kingdom
Affiliation:University of Huddersfield
Personal website: https://pure.hud.ac.uk/en/persons/colin-venters
X (Twitter): https://x.com/ccv1968
GitHub: https://github.com/zzalscv2
Research interests:Software Engineering, Software Sustainability, Software Architectures, Software Engineering for Sustainability, Architectural-Level Reasoning, Software Engineering Education, Architectural Recovery
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