![Hao Zhong](https://conf.researchr.org/getProfileImage/haozhong/8dbe3ba6-7349-4e45-846c-f5b1023f9ae5/small.jpg?1711460949000)
Registered user since Wed 22 Feb 2017
Name:Hao Zhong
I received my Ph.D degree from Peking University in 2009. My Ph.D dissertation was nominated for the distinguished Ph.D dissertation award of China Computer Federation. After graduation, I joined Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences as an assistant professor, and was promoted as an associated professor in 2011. From 2012 to 2014, I was a visiting scholar with University of California, Davis. In 2014, I joined Shanghai Jiao Tong University. I am a recipient of ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award, the best paper award of ASE, and the best paper award of APSEC.
Affiliation:Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Personal website: https://drhaozhong.github.io/
Research interests:program analysis, software maintenance, and mining software engineering data
International Conference on Program Comprehension
Mining Software Repositories
ICSE 2021-profile
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