Registered user since Thu 19 Sep 2024
Name:Shashank Mouli Satapathy
Dr. Shashank Mouli Satapathy is working as a professor at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, VIT, Vellore. He received his PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from the National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India 2016. He has more than 14 years of experience in teaching and research. He has published several articles in high-impact factor journals and reputed international conferences. He served as a reviewer of many Internationally reputed journals and conferences. His research interests include medical imaging, data analytics, social network analysis, deep learning, software engineering, and human-computer interaction.
Affiliation:Vellore Institute of Technology
Personal website: https://vitdirectory.vit.ac.in/page/faculty/15257
X (Twitter): https://x.com/shashankamouli
Research interests:Computer Vision, Social Network Analysis, Machine Learning, Software Engineering
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