ISEC 2025
Thu 20 - Sat 22 February 2025 Kurukshetra , India

Call for Papers

ISEC (Innovations in Software Engineering Conference) is the annual flagship conference of iSOFT, the India chapter of ACM SIGSOFT under the umbrella of ACM India. The eighteenth edition of ISEC will be held at National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra between 20–22 February, 2025.

ISEC 2025 will host a doctoral symposium track to which all doctoral students pursuing research in software engineering and allied areas, in any year of their program, are encouraged to submit. The symposium aims to provide a friendly environment for research scholars to showcase their work, seek feedback from prominent researchers, and facilitate discussions with their peers across various institutes. Apart from interacting with researchers regarding their thesis topic, there will be invited talks and/or a panel discussion on multiple facets of doctoral life.

Submission Details

Submissions must be in the PDF format, not exceeding four pages (including bibliography and appendices). Authors must use the ACM conference proceedings guidelines for their submissions:

The submissions must outline a well­-defined problem statement for the doctoral work, potential approach(es) towards its solution, and the route to completing the thesis (evaluation methodology, metrics for success, target conferences/journals to communicate the work etc.). It is desirable, though not necessary, that the submissions include a concrete solution to the problem, and theoretical and/or empirical evidence that defends the proposed approach.

The authors of the accepted papers will present their work in the symposium and selected papers will be published in the conference proceedings. A limited number of travel grants are available for research scholars to attend the doctoral symposium.

Conference site:

Submission link: