Registered user since Fri 21 Apr 2023
Ankush Desai is a Senior Applied Scientist in the Database Services (DBS) group at AWS. The goal of Ankush’s work at AWS is to improve developer productivity by integrating rigorous software engineering techniques like formal methods (model checking), fuzzing, model based testing, and runtime verification across all the phases of development process from system design, to implementation, to unit and integration testing, and even in production.
Ankush has a PhD in computer science from UC, Berkeley (2019). His PhD. research had an impact both in Industry and Academia for which he was awarded the Sevin Rosen Funds Award for Innovation. Before joining graduate school, Ankush spent 2+ years working at Microsoft Research, India working on formal verification of device drivers and distributed systems. At IIT Kanpur, he was part of the team that built the first Indian Nano-Satellite JUGNU (launched on 12 October 2011).
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