Mon 16 - Fri 20 September 2024 Vienna, Austria
Chao Peng

Registered user since Thu 8 Mar 2018

Name:Chao Peng

I am a Senior Researcher at ByteDance (字节跳动) and a part-time postgraduate student mentor of School of Computer Science, Fudan University. I received my PhD degree from Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science (LFCS), The University of Edinburgh under supervision of Dr. Ajitha Rajan.

At ByteDance, I am on the Software Engineering Lab, Dev Infra Research Center. My research interest lies in the area of software testing, program repair and optimisations, and the synergy with machine learning and compiler techniques. I am also responsible for academic development and university collaboration.

I am passionate about building practical software testing, analysis, and debugging systems to predict, detect, diagnose, and fix bugs for all kinds of software systems.

Outside of work, I enjoy going to the gym.

Research interests:Software Testing, Program Analysis, Programming Languages


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