Registered user since Mon 25 May 2015
Marco Brambilla is Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Elettronica Informazione e Bioingegneria. He leads the DEIB Data Science Lab at Politecnico di Milano (http://datascience.deib.polimi.it/). He works on several research projects related to data science and Web science, Web and mobile software modeling, Web services, Web and enterprise search, Semantic Web, business process management, semistructured data mapping, web search, crowdsourcing, Internet of Things (IoT), social media monitoring and analytics. He is shareholder of WebRatio (http://www.webratio.com), based on IFML (Interaction Flow Modeling Language), and shareholder of Fluxedo (http://www.fluxedo.com). He is one of the inventors of WebML (http://www.webml.org) and IFML (http://www.ifml.org), an international standard on user interaction modeling adopted by the OMG in 2014.
His interests include conceptual models, tools, and methods for Web applications, services, search engine development. He works on user interaction, semantic Web, social network analysis, crowdsourcing and business process design. He received his Ph.D. at Politecnico di Milano in 2005. He has been a visiting researcher at Cisco Systems (CA) and at UCSD (University of California, San Diego). He is coauthor of the books: Web Information Retrieval (Springer, 2013), and Model-driven Software Development in Practice (Morgan-Claypool, 2012), Designing Data-Intensive Web Applications (Morgan-Kauffman, 2003), Interaction Flow Modeling Language: Model-Driven UI Engineering of Web and Mobile Apps with IFML (Morgan-Kaufmann, 2014). He also authored several other teaching books and scientific articles, published on major international conferences and journals. He is active in teaching and industrial consulting projects on MDSE, BPM, SOA, and enterprise architectures, as well as in startup and entrepreneurial activities related to Web and mobile technologies, social networking and customer fidelization.
Blog on model-driven development: http://www.marco-brambilla.com/blog
Home page: http://home.dei.polimi.it/mbrambil
Twitter: @marcobrambi
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