MODELS 2024 (series) / Thomas Kuehne

Registered user since Tue 25 May 2021
Name:Thomas Kuehne
Thomas is an Associate Professor at Victoria University of Wellington. His research interests focus on multi-level modeling and model-driven development. He is an editor for the Springer journal Software and Systems Modeling from which he received a ten year most influential regular paper award. He also received two ACM SIGSOFT distinguished paper awards. He received his PhD from Darmstadt University of Technology. Thomas was the general chair for MODELS 2011, organised the inaugural SoSyM Theme Issue on Multi-Level Modeling, and co-organised the Dagstuhl Seminar 17492 “Multi-Level Modelling”. Thomas is the MODELS 2023 Practice Track Chair.
Country:New Zealand
Affiliation:Victoria University of Wellington
Personal website:
Research interests:multi-level-modeling, model-driven development
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