PLDI, ECOOP, Curry On, DEBS, LCTES and ISMM (series) / Aleksandar Chakarov

Registered user since Tue 6 Sep 2016
Name:Aleksandar Chakarov
My name is Aleksandar Chakarov and I am a recent graduate from the Computer Science PhD Program at the University of Colorado Boulder working with Prof. Sriram Sankaranarayanan. I am a member of the CU Programming Languages and Verification (CUPLV) group and the Verification of Cyber Physical Systems group. My area of focus is the analysis and verification of probabilistic programs. I focus on adopting static analysis and invariant generation techniques to analyze probabilistic systems.
Country:United States
Affiliation:University of Colorado Boulder
Personal website:
Research interests:Probabilistic Programming, Program Analysis, Verification, Static Analysis, Stochastic Systems
PLDI, ECOOP, Curry On, DEBS, LCTES and ISMM-profile
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