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Thu 22 Jun

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

15:50 - 17:30
The DEBS 2017 Grand Challenge
DEBS Grand Challenge
Vincenzo Gulisano Chalmers University of Technology, Roman Katerinenko AGT International, Zbigniew Jerzak SAP Research, Martin Strohbach AGT International, Holger Ziekow HS Furtwangen

Unscheduled Events

Not scheduled
Real-time High Performance Anomaly Detection over Data Streams
DEBS Grand Challenge
Dimitrije Jankov Rice University, Sourav Sikdar Rice University, Rohan Mukherjee Rice University, Kia Teymourian Rice University, Chris Jermaine Rice University
Not scheduled
FlinkMan – Anomaly Detection in Manufacturing Equipment with Apache Flink
DEBS Grand Challenge
Nicolo Rivetti Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Yann Busnel IMT Atlantique, Avigdor Gal Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Not scheduled
Optimized Stage Processing for Anomaly Detection on Numerical Data Streams
DEBS Grand Challenge
Ciprian Amariei Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Paul Diac Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Emanuel Onica Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
Not scheduled
Runtime Anomaly Detection Method in Smart Factories using Machine Learning on RDF Event Streams
DEBS Grand Challenge
Joong-Hyun Choi Chungnam National Univ., Kang-Woo Lee Electronics and Telecommunications Institutes, Hyungkun Jung Chungnam National Univ., Eun-Sun Cho Chungnam National University, Korea
Not scheduled
Anomaly Detection of Manufacturing Equipment via High Performance RDF Data Stream Processing
DEBS Grand Challenge
Malith Jayasinghe WSO2 Inc., Miyuru Dayarathna WSO2 Inc., Nihla Akram WSO2 Inc., Sachini Siriwardene WSO2 Inc., Srinath Perera WSO2, Isuru Perera WSO2 Inc., Seshika Fernando WSO2 Inc., Sriskandarajah Suhothayan WSO2 Inc., Upul Bandara WSO2 Inc.
Not scheduled
StreamLearner – Distributed Incremental Machine Learning on Event Streams
DEBS Grand Challenge
Christian Mayer University of Stuttgart, Ruben Mayer University of Stuttgart, Majd Abdo University of Stuttgart
Not scheduled
Automatic Anomaly Detection over Sliding Windows
DEBS Grand Challenge
Tarek Zaarour Insight Centre for Data Analytics NUIG, Niki Pavlopoulou Insight Centre for Data Analytics NUIG, Souleiman Hasan Insight Centre for Data Analytics NUIG, Umair Ulhassan Insight Centre for Data Analytics NUIG, Edward Curry Insight Centre for Data Analytics NUIG