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Kim Mens

Registered user since Wed 2 Mar 2016

Name:Kim Mens

Kim Mens is full Professor in Computer Science at UCL university in Belgium, where he leads the RELEASeD research laboratory on software evolution and software development technology. He holds the degrees of Licentiate in Mathematics, Licentiate in Computer Science, and PhD in Computer Science. His main research interests include software development, software maintenance, software evolution and context-oriented programming with a particular emphasis on programming languages and tool support. He is interested in language engineering and a variety of programming language paradigms such as object-oriented and aspect-oriented programming, reflection and meta programming, logic meta programming and context- oriented programming. He has been actively involved in the Context-Oriented Programming community for almost a decade now. Since 2013, he is member of the editorial board of Elsevier’s Science of Computer Programming journal, for which he has edited three special issues on Experimental Software and Toolkits.

Affiliation:Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Research interests:language engineering, programming languages, object-oriented programming, context-oriented programming


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