PLDI, ECOOP, Curry On, DEBS, LCTES and ISMM (series) / Magnus O. Myreen

Registered user since Thu 20 Apr 2017
Name:Magnus O. Myreen
I did a B.A. in Computer Science at the University of Oxford, tutored by Dr Jeff Sanders.
I completed my Ph.D. on program verification in 2009 at the University of Cambridge, supervised by Prof. Mike Gordon. My PhD dissertation was selected as the winner of the BCS Distinguished Dissertation Competition 2010.
In 2012, I became a Royal Society Research Fellow, UK.
In 2014, I moved to Chalmers where I became a tenured Associate Professor in 2015.
Affiliation:Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Personal website:
Research interests:Formal verification, interactive theorem provers, compilers, machine code, functional programming
PLDI, ECOOP, Curry On, DEBS, LCTES and ISMM-profile
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