Registered user since Wed 27 Sep 2023
Majid Haghparast is an IEEE senior member and a researcher at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. From April 2017 to January 2018, he has conducted his sabbatical with Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, where he was also a Research Fellow. He is an Associate Editor of the Cluster Computing (Springer) and Journal of Computational Electronics (Springer). Majid is also an Editorial Board Member of the Optical and Quantum Electronics (Springer). He has been a supervisor/advisor of more than 10 Ph.D. theses. Majid is the invited referee for more than 30 prestigious journals, including IEEE Internet of Things, IEEE Transactions on Computer, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering. His focus is on quantum computing, where he has been involved in different projects.
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