SANER 2024 (series) / Sabrina Marczak

Registered user since Sun 14 Oct 2018
Name:Sabrina Marczak
Sabrina Marczak is an Adjunct Professor at the School of Technology, PUCRS, Brazil. Mostly interested in improving software engineering practices, Dr Marczak has been working with industry and conducting empirical studies since early in her career. Since 2012 she coordinates the DELL/PUCRS Research Program were she co-leads a project on the integration of agile development, user-entered design and lean startup in large and distributed settings. She also serves as a reviewer for major peer review journals (e.g., IST, JSS, IEEE Software) and conferences (e.g., ICSE, RE, REFSQ, XP, CSCW).
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Research interests:Agile Development, Requirements Engineering, Software Process Improvement, Human Factors in Software Engineering, and Collaborative Software Development
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