Registered user since Sun 18 Aug 2024
Tajmilur Rahman, PhD, is an assistant professor in the department of Computer and Information Science at Gannon University, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA. His overarching research interest is to investigate release engineering practices in software systems, software architecture and maintenance, and software engineering education. His research works are driven by the desire to determine the empirical factors that lead to a successful software development and release. His research interests also include AI in software engineering, data mining. Dr. Rahman is the first author who extracted feature-architecture while understanding the best practices of feature management and its impact on software architecture. Understanding and visualizing feature architecture is necessary to advance software development and engineering by maintaining a controlled architectural growth of software systems. Dr. Rahman is currently focusing on the following research areas: predicting software architectural drift/erosion, software quality, and various aspects in software engineering education.
Dr. Rahman received his doctorate degree in 2018 from Concordia University, QC, Canada. As a doctoral student he worked on empirical understanding on software projects with various lengths of release cycle, he extracted feature-architecture of Google Chrome web browser, he updated the 12 years old browser reference architecture and, he was working on software quality due to post-release bugs in a trunk-based development environment.
Besides working as an assistant professor at Gannon, Dr. Rahman is also working as a post doctoral fellow at the University of Saskatchewan, SK, Canada where is is working on automating software maintenance activities using Large Language Models.
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