Registered user since Mon 28 Apr 2014
Mathieu Acher is Associate Professor at University of Rennes 1/IRISA/Inria, France. His research focuses on modelling, reverse engineering, and learning variability of software-intensive systems. He is the author of more than one hundred peer-reviewed publications in international journals and conferences. He was PC co-chair of SPLC 2017 and VaMoS 2020, and he served in the steering committees of SPLC and VaMoS. His work has received one Most Influential Paper Award (SLE’19) and two Best Paper Awards (SPLC’21, ICPE’19). He is currently leading a research project, VaryVary, on machine learning and (deep) software variability. Since 2021, he is a junior research fellow at Institut Universitaire de France (IUF). More information: https://mathieuacher.com/
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