SLE 2018
Sun 4 - Fri 9 November 2018 Boston, Massachusetts, United States
co-located with SPLASH 2018
L. Thomas van Binsbergen

Registered user since Tue 9 Dec 2014

Name:L. Thomas van Binsbergen

L. Thomas van Binsbergen is a PhD student in Computer Science at Royal Holloway University of London, and an MSc graduate of Utrecht University.

His work revolves around specifying and prototyping programming languages with an emphasis on modularity of specifications and implementations. He contributed to the Utrecht University Attribute Grammar Compiler (UUAGC) in 2014, implementing algorithms for compile-time scheduling of attribute evaluation based on dependency analysis. As an affiliate to the PLanCompS project he has developed Haskell tools for defining and executing FunCons: highly reusable and modular components used in the formal specification of programming language semantics. For more information visit

Particular interested related to “Software Languages and their Specification”:

  • Language design and formal semantics
  • Generating interpreters based on the formal specifications
  • Computational effects in pure maths
  • Static analysis of programs: type-checkers, sanity-checkers, program manipulation
  • Reusable components for language specification

Interests in Computer Science Education:

  • Improving the understandability of algorithms by explaining the algorithm at the right level of abstraction, removing unnecessary detail, breaking down algorithms into their core components and defining those components as pure and composable functions
  • Tutoring systems for the analysis of student solutions and automated feedback
Affiliation:Royal Holloway University of London
Research interests:Theoretical Computer Science, Programming Languages, Formal Semantics, Functional Programming, Automated Tutoring Systems


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