The 33rd IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE’25) will host a journal-first track, allowing authors of selected journal-first papers to present and discuss their research with the RE community.

Call for Submissions

The Journal-First Track at RE’25 welcomes submissions from top peer reviewed journal papers that address the topics related to requirements engineering.

A submission to the RE’25 journal-first track must adhere to the following criteria:

  • The journal paper was accepted and first appeared online between October 1, 2023 and April 28, 2025.
  • The paper is in the scope of the conference.
  • The paper reports new research results or presents novel contributions that significantly extend previous work but have not yet been reported in prior work.
  • The paper does not extend prior work solely with additional proofs or algorithms (or other such details presented for completeness), empirical results, or minor enhancements or variants of the results presented in the prior work.
  • The paper has not been presented at, and is not under consideration for, journal-first programs of other conferences.


Authors of papers that meet the above criteria are invited to submit a proposal consisting of the paper’s title, author names, extended abstract, a pointer to the original journal paper at the journal’s Web site, and a brief description of (i) why the paper is relevant for the RE conference, (ii) what the authors would like to present, and (iii) why they believe the paper would make for a compelling presentation. If the journal paper is related to, or builds on a previously published work (e.g., tool demo or poster), the proposal must clearly and explicitly justify why the paper should be considered a journal first paper and provide pointers to the previously published work.

Journal-first proposals must not exceed 1 page and must be submitted as one PDF using the IEEE conference template. Please Please find here more information on the templates.

Submit your paper here:

Make sure to select the option “Journal First”.

Selection Criteria

Submissions that do not satisfy the above-listed criteria will be-desk-rejected. As the papers have already been reviewed and accepted by the journals, they will not be reviewed again for technical content. If we receive more submissions than we can accommodate in the RE’25 conference program, we will select submissions based on the following criteria:

  • Increasing opportunities for authors to attend RE’25, who might not otherwise attend.
  • Best fit between the paper and the technical program of RE’25, offering a balance across the conference topics.

If there is further need to select from papers with the same priority, then they will be randomly selected. However, we will do our best to avoid this situation.


Authors of accepted submissions will be invited to present their paper in a session at the conference. At least one author must register for and attend the conference to present the paper.

The journal-first manuscripts are published through the journals and will not be part of the IEEE proceedings for this conference. The journal-first papers will be listed in the conference program and participants will have access to the paper abstracts and a pointer to the journal publication outside the conference proceedings (if provided by authors).


Email Liliana Pasquale and Gunter Mussbacher, the RE’25 Journal First track chairs, at

The format of your paper must strictly adhere to the IEEEtran Proceedings Format. LaTeX users: please use the LaTeX class file IEEEtran v1.8 and the following configuration (without option ‘compsoc’ or ‘compsocconf’): \documentclass[conference]{IEEEtran}

Word users: please use this Word template. See the official IEEE Templates page for more information.

Please make sure that your submission:

  • does not exceed the respective page limit specified in the track call
  • is in PDF format,
  • is in letter page size,
  • does not have page numbers,
  • has all fonts embedded in the PDF file,
  • uses only scalable font types (like Type 1, TrueType) — bit-mapped font types (like Type 3) are not acceptable,
  • has all figures embedded in vector graphics (if not possible, use a high-resolution bitmap format of at least 300 dpi; do not use JPG, but a lossless format like PNG or GIF),
  • has all text in figures and tables large enough and readable when printed,
  • has a caption for every figure or table,
  • has the title and all headings properly capitalized
  • has no orphans and widows (cf. Section Help), and
  • does not use footnote references in the abstract.