Journal First TrackICSME 2025
Call for Papers
ICSME invites presentations of journal papers that have been published in one of the participating journals. We aim to accommodate as many journal-first presentations as will fit into the final ICSME program. The J1C2 track is aimed at papers that (a) are theme-appropriate for ICSME, (b) have recently been accepted to one of the participating journals, and (c) concern work that has not previously been presented at a conference (i.e., the journal paper must not be an extension of a previous conference/workshop paper).
The participating journals are:
- Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE)
- Information and Software Technology (IST),
- Journal of Software: Evolution and Process (JSEP),
- Journal of Systems and Software (JSS)
- Journal of Automated Software Engineering (AUSEJ)
Eligibility Criteria
We invite the authors of papers that satisfy the Journal-First criteria to submit a talk proposal. To be eligible to participate in the J1C2 program, a paper must:
- Be in the scope of the conference, that is, the paper contains work related to software maintenance and evolution (see the ICSME Research Track Call for Papers for possible topics). However, note that papers discussing literature reviews or meta-research papers are also out of scope, as they do not fit with the typical format and content of a conference technical session;
- Be accepted in one of the partner journals listed above between January 1, 2024, and the J1C2 deadline (June 6, 2025). Evidence of acceptance should either be a listing on the journal’s website or a copy of the EIC’s email indicating acceptance;
- Report completely new research results that were not previously reported in prior work (conferences, workshops, repurposing of material previously published at venues targeting software professionals, etc.). Journal versions of papers extending conference papers with additional proofs or algorithms (or other such details presented for completeness) or empirical evaluations are thus out of the scope of the track regardless of the size of the extension.
- Not have already been presented, or currently being considered for, J1C2 or similar initiatives of other conferences.
- Be peer-reviewed, (e.g. letters or editorials are excluded).
- Not be retracted or subject to corrections or author’s notes.
How to Submit
Interested authors should submit a short talk proposal consisting of the paper title, abstract, acceptance date, a short statement on how the work satisfies the journal’s first criteria, and the accepted paper. Please upload a single PDF file with all these items.
Submission Link
Please use the following link:
The J1C2 chairs will evaluate if the submission is within the scope of the ICSME conference and, in general, fulfills the eligibility criteria mentioned above. We plan to select as many papers as possible for inclusion in the J1C2 program. In the case that there is higher than expected interest in the J1C2, the track chairs, together with the conference technical program co-chairs, will reserve the right to prioritize papers that better fit the conference program.
As the papers have already been reviewed and accepted by high-quality journals, they will not be reviewed again for technical correctness or contributions. They will be checked for the Journal-First criteria and prioritized according to the conference theme. Authors will not receive any reviews with the notification.
At least one author of each accepted J1C2 contribution must register and attend the conference to present the paper, or else your paper will be withdrawn. Moreover, failure to present the paper might result in exclusion from future J1C2 programs.
The J1C2 papers will not be part of the ICSME proceedings. However, the conference online program will contain a hyperlink to the journal paper (if already published) or, in case the paper hasn’t been published yet, to its preprint (we will encourage the authors of accepted J1C2 to make a preprint of the paper available to ICSME).
For any questions, please contact the track chairs.
Important Dates
- June 6, 2025: Paper submission deadline
- June 20, 2025: Notification to authors