ICSME 2025
Sun 7 - Fri 12 September 2025 Auckland, New Zealand

Call For Proposals

Technical briefings are intended to help software engineering researchers improve their knowledge of cutting-edge software engineering topics, useful tools and technologies or research methods.

We are inviting proposals for:

  • Short Technical Briefings: Speakers provide a focused introduction to an emerging topic in software engineering (e.g., software engineering practices for specific types of systems or emerging technologies). Duration: 90 minutes.
  • Longer Hands-On Technical Briefings: Speakers organise a tool-supported session on a topic with hands-on participation of attendees. Duration: 90-180 minutes.


Proposals must include the following information and should be no longer than 3 pages and must conform to the IEEE conference submission and formatting instructions.

Proposals must contain the following information in a single PDF:

  1. Title
  2. Proposal types (short or hands-on)
  3. Presenters names
  4. Summary paragraph that will be used to publicise the briefing in the program
  5. Target audience (e.g. PhD students, early career researchers, all researchers, practitioners)
  6. Justification for the novelty of the briefing or why conference attendees would be likely to want to learn the material
  7. Learning objectives
  8. Outline of topics to be covered
  9. Information about any hands-on component (e.g. where attendees will actually use a tool or do an exercise), and what kind of computer would be needed for this.
  10. Bios of the presenters, including evidence that they are experts in the area, and have teaching expertise
  11. Preferred dates (we cannot guarantee the choices of dates)
  12. Other sessions the presenters hope to attend (to enable the organizers to try to avoid conflicts)

Proposal should be submitted electronically using the following link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icsme2025

Please select the “Technical Briefings” track.

Proposal Review Criteria

The committee will select a small set of briefings based on the following:

  1. Overall quality of the proposal
  2. Relevance to the conference
  3. Level of interest they believe the tutorial will attract
  4. Experience of the presenters
  5. Avoidance of duplication
  6. The decision about tutorials will be made by the tutorial chairs, and a small committee, in consultation with experts on the relevant topics that are on the committees of other ICSME 2025 tracks.


Presenters must register and pay for the conference.

Accepted presenters must inform the technical briefings committee if they have to present papers in other ICSME’25 sessions (ICSME tracks or workshops or co-located conferences), so that conflicts can be avoided to the greatest extent possible.

ICSME 2025 reserves the right to not accept any technical briefings presentations.

ICSME 2025 reserves the right to ask potential technical briefings proposers to submit additional material before their proposal is accepted.

Important Dates

  • Technical Briefings Proposals Submissions Deadline: 29 May 25
  • Technical Briefings Acceptance Notification: 7 July 25
  • Technical Briefings Presentation: TBD (10 -12 September 2025)


Jens Dietrich, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand