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SPIN 2017
co-located with ISSTA 2017

Accepted Papers

ExpoSE: Practical Symbolic Execution of Standalone JavaScript (Blake Loring, Duncan Mitchell and Johannes Kinder)
SPIN Short Paper

Formal Verification of Data-Intensive Applications through Model Checking Modulo Theories (Marcello M. Bersani, Madalina Erascu, Francesco Marconi, Silvio Ghilardi and Matteo Rossi)
SPIN Short Paper

Guided Test Case Generation for Mobile Apps in the TRIANGLE Project (Laura Panizo, Alberto Salmerón, Maria Del Mar Gallardo and Pedro Merino)
SPIN Short Paper

SIMPAL: A Compositional Reasoning Framework for Imperative Programs (Lucas Wagner, David Greve and Andrew Gacek)
SPIN Short Paper

Verification-Driven Development of Icarous Based on Automatic Reachability Analysis (Marco Antonio Feliu Gabaldon, Camilo Rocha and Swee Balachandran)
SPIN Short Paper

Call for Short Papers

Short Papers address:

  • tools and technologies,
  • experiences with lessons learned,
  • new and emerging ideas,
  • work in progress with preliminary results, and
  • novel contributions to formal methods education.

Maximum length is 4 pages (ACM Conference Format - including references).

For a full list of topics of interest, see the call for Full Papers.

The contributions to SPIN 2017 will be published as ACM Proceedings, and should be submitted in the ACM Conference Format: https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template (use the sigconf template)

Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this symposium. Authors are required to adhere to the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism and the ACM Policy on Prior Publication and Simultaneous Submissions.

A Best Short Paper award will be given.

Thu 13 Jul 2017
Fri 14 Jul 2017
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