APLAS 2023
Sun 26 - Wed 29 November 2023 Taipei, Taiwan
Wed 29 Nov 2023 11:00 - 11:30 at Room 106 & 107, IIS - Static Analysis and Testing Chair(s): Yu-Fang Chen

m-CFA is a hierarchy of control-flow analyses (CFA) formulated as abstract abstract machines and designed to exhibit polynomial time complexity while remaining usefully precise. The Pushdown for Free (P4F) technique prescribes a continuation allocator which induces perfect stack precision wherein each function invocation returns to only its call. Unfortunately, it is difficult to apply the P4F technique to m-CFA as P4F is developed in an ANF setting but m-CFA is formulated in a CPS setting. In this paper, we recall that ANF corresponds to a CPS sublanguage without non-local control and show that m-CFA behaves identically on both. With an ANF-based m-CFA in hand, we turn to applying the P4F technique only to discover that it already follows the prescription. In other words, m-CFA has always had perfect stack precision, a characteristic neither intended nor recognized, at its development or since. In addition to being surprising, we discuss how this result allows a spectrum of non-local control constructs to be supported more easily and with more precision than previous techniques.

Wed 29 Nov

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10:30 - 12:00
Static Analysis and TestingAPLAS 2023 at Room 106 & 107, IIS
Chair(s): Yu-Fang Chen Academia Sinica
Incorrectness Proofs for Object-Oriented Programs via Subclass Reflection
APLAS 2023
Wenhua Li National University of Singapore, Quang Loc Le University College London, Yahui Song , Wei-Ngan Chin National University of Singapore
m-CFA Exhibits Perfect Stack Precision
APLAS 2023
Kimball Germane Brigham Young University
TorchProbe: Fuzzing Dynamic Deep Learning Compilers
APLAS 2023
Qidong Su University of Toronto / Vector Institute, Chuqin Geng McGill University, Gennady Pekhimenko University of Toronto / Vector Institute, Xujie Si University of Toronto