ASE 2024
Sun 27 October - Fri 1 November 2024 Sacramento, California, United States

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Tue 29 Oct 2024 16:00 - 16:10 at Magnoila - Mobile app development and app reivew

Since their introduction, mobile application development has gained in complexity and now rivals web app development. The primary factor contributing to this complexity is their monolithic architecture: a mobile application is still built as a single unit. In contrast, web applications are adapted to modular architectures such as Microservice or Micro FrontEnd (MFE). This last approach divides development into teams, each responsible for a MFE corresponding to a specific software feature. Our study examines the adoption of the MFE architecture on native mobile platforms. This paper discusses: i) how MFE can be translated to current native mobile platforms; ii) the limitations of adapting MFE architecture on mobile; and iii) the challenges it introduces to mobile application development. Despite challenges in composing mobile MFEs post-deployment, our research demonstrates maintaining a static development-side composite is feasible, albeit with a loss of flexibility. This allows team separation and independent feature development, though technological agnosticism isn’t achieved.

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Tue 29 Oct

Displayed time zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada) change

15:30 - 16:30
Mobile app development and app reivewJournal-first Papers / NIER Track / Tool Demonstrations at Magnoila
Can GitHub Issues Help in App Review Classifications?
Journal-first Papers
Yasaman Abedini Sharif University of Technology, Abbas Heydarnoori Bowling Green State University
App Review Driven Collaborative Bug Finding
Journal-first Papers
Xunzhu Tang University of Luxembourg, Haoye Tian University of Melbourne, Pingfan Kong Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust, University of Luxembourg, Saad Ezzini Lancaster University, Kui Liu Huawei, Xin Xia Huawei, Jacques Klein University of Luxembourg, Tegawendé F. Bissyandé University of Luxembourg
Assessing the feasibility of Micro frontend architecture in native mobile app development
NIER Track
Quentin Capdepon LIRMM - University of Montpellier, Nicolas Hlad Berger-Levrault, Benoit Verhaeghe Berger-Levrault, Abdelhak Seriai LIRMM, CNRS and University of Montpellier
Model-based GUI Testing For HarmonyOS Apps
Tool Demonstrations
Yige Chen Southern University of Science and Technology, Sinan Wang Southern University of Science and Technology, Yida Tao Southern University of Science and Technology, Yepang Liu Southern University of Science and Technology
Towards Extracting Ethical Concerns-related Software Requirements from App ReviewsRecorded Talk
NIER Track
Aakash Sorathiya University of Calgary, Gouri Ginde (Deshpande) University of Calgary