DLS 2020
Sun 15 - Fri 20 November 2020 Online Conference
co-located with SPLASH 2020
Thu 19 Nov 2020 12:00 - 12:20 at SPLASH-III - 7 Chair(s): Tim Felgentreff, Kedar Namjoshi
Fri 20 Nov 2020 00:00 - 00:20 at SPLASH-III - 7 Chair(s): Mihaela Sighireanu

To efficiently execute dynamically typed languages, many language implementations have adopted a two-tier architecture. The first tier aims for low-latency startup times and collects dynamic profiles, such as the dynamic types of variables. The second tier provides high-throughput using an optimizing compiler that specializes code to the recorded type information. If the program behavior changes to the point that not previously seen types occur in specialized code, that specialized code becomes invalid, it is deoptimized, and control is transferred back to the first tier execution engine which will start specializing anew. However, if the program behavior becomes more specific, for instance, if a polymorphic variable becomes monomorphic, nothing changes. Once the program is running optimized code, there are no means to notice that an opportunity for optimization has been missed.

We propose to employ a sampling-based profiler to monitor native code without any instrumentation. The absence of instrumentation means that when the profiler is not active, no overhead is incurred. We present an implementation is in the context of the \v{R} just-in-time, optimizing compiler for the R language. Based on the sampled profiles, we are able to detect when the native code produced by \v{R} is specialized for stale type feedback and recompile it to more type-specific code. We show that sampling adds an overhead of less than 3% in most cases and up to 9% in few cases and that it reliably detects stale type feedback within milliseconds.

Thu 19 Nov

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11:00 - 12:20
7SAS / DLS 2020 at SPLASH-III +12h
Chair(s): Tim Felgentreff Oracle Labs, Potsdam, Kedar Namjoshi Nokia Bell Labs
Research paper
Interprocedural Shape Analysis Using Separation Logic-based Transformer Summaries
Hugo Illous CEA & INRIA / ENS Paris, Matthieu Lemerre CEA LIST, France, Xavier Rival INRIA/CNRS/ENS Paris
File Attached
DelayRepay: Delayed Execution for Kernel Fusion in Python
DLS 2020
John Magnus Morton University of Edinburgh, Kuba Kaszyk University of Edinburgh, Lu Li Linköping University, Jiawen Sun University of Edinburgh, Christophe Dubach McGill University, Michel Steuwer The University of Edinburgh, Murray Cole University of Edinburgh, UK, Michael F. P. O'Boyle University of Edinburgh
Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Research paper
Stratified Guarded First-order Transition Systems
Christian Müller Technische Universität München, Saarland University, Helmut Seidl Technische Universität München
File Attached
Sampling Optimized Code for Type Feedback
DLS 2020
Olivier Flückiger Northeastern University, Andreas Wälchli University of Bern, Sebastián Krynski Czech Technical University, National University of Quilmes, Jan Vitek Northeastern University / Czech Technical University
Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached
23:00 - 00:20
Chair(s): Mihaela Sighireanu LSV, ENS Paris-Saclay
Research paper
Interprocedural Shape Analysis Using Separation Logic-based Transformer Summaries
Hugo Illous CEA & INRIA / ENS Paris, Matthieu Lemerre CEA LIST, France, Xavier Rival INRIA/CNRS/ENS Paris
File Attached
DelayRepay: Delayed Execution for Kernel Fusion in Python
DLS 2020
John Magnus Morton University of Edinburgh, Kuba Kaszyk University of Edinburgh, Lu Li Linköping University, Jiawen Sun University of Edinburgh, Christophe Dubach McGill University, Michel Steuwer The University of Edinburgh, Murray Cole University of Edinburgh, UK, Michael F. P. O'Boyle University of Edinburgh
Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Research paper
Stratified Guarded First-order Transition Systems
Christian Müller Technische Universität München, Saarland University, Helmut Seidl Technische Universität München
File Attached
Sampling Optimized Code for Type Feedback
DLS 2020
Olivier Flückiger Northeastern University, Andreas Wälchli University of Bern, Sebastián Krynski Czech Technical University, National University of Quilmes, Jan Vitek Northeastern University / Czech Technical University
Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached