EASE 2022
Mon 13 - Wed 15 June 2022 Göteborg, Sweden

When developers collaborate on a software project, the style of the code should be consistent across the codebase. However, as developers do not always concur on code style practices, achieving a consensus can be burdensome. Even when code style guidelines are defined for a project, developers often have difficulties adhering to them. Additionally, when working on several projects with diverse guidelines, following different styles can become a frustrating, error-prone, and time-consuming task for a developer. This work presents experiences from adopting two development workflow patterns that automatically ensure that code’s layout and formatting are consistent in a project’s repository while enabling each developer to utilize their preferences locally. From our experience, using any of these two patterns provides a successful way for collaborative software development that allows developers to relocate their time and concerns from code formatting to more valuable matters.

Tue 14 Jun

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

Information for Participants
Info for room Tuesday track 1 (Kelvin and online):

Link to join: https://eu01web.zoom.us/j/65770928813?pwd=R0FqVFQyNC9Oc2hDV0wvQ2pKaXhidz09
