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ICPC 2021
Tue 18 - Thu 20 May 2021
co-located with ICSE 2021
Tue 18 May 2021 16:50 - 16:55 at ICPC Main Room - Improving Code Quality Chair(s): Venera Arnaoudova

Communication between practitioners is essential for the system’s quality in the DevOps context. To improve this communication, practitioners often use informal diagrams to represent the components of a system. However, as systems evolve, it is a challenge to synchronize diagrams with production environments consistently. Hence, the inconsistency of architectural diagrams can affect communication between practitioner and their understanding of systems. In this paper, we propose the use of system descriptors to improve deployment diagram consistency. We state two main hypotheses: (1) if an architectural diagram is generated from a valid system descriptor, then the diagram is consistent; (2) if a valid system descriptor is generated from an architectural diagram, then the diagram is consistent. We report a case study to explore our hypotheses. Furthermore, we constructed a system descriptor from the Netflix deployment diagram, and we applied our tool to generate a new architectural diagram. Finally, we compare the original and generated diagrams to evaluate our proposal. Our case study shows all Docker compose description elements can be graphically represented in the generated architectural diagram, and the generated diagram does not present inconsistent aspects of the original diagram. Thus, our preliminary results lead to further evaluation in controlled and empirical experiments to test our hypotheses.

Tue 18 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

16:50 - 17:20
Towards improving architectural diagram consistency using system descriptors
Early Research Achievement (ERA)
Jalves Nicacio University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Fabio Petrillo Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada
Pre-print Media Attached
API2Com: On the Improvement of Automatically Generated Code Comments Using API Documentations
Replications and Negative Results (RENE)
Ramin Shahbazi , Rishab Sharma , Fatemeh Hendijani Fard University of British Columbia
Pre-print Media Attached
Automatic Extraction of Code Dependency in Virtual Reality Software
Early Research Achievement (ERA)
Jacinto Molina University of Texas at San Antonio, Xue Qin Villanova University, Xiaoyin Wang University of Texas at San Antonio
Media Attached
FLeCCS: A Technique for Suggesting Fragment-Level Similar Co-change Candidates
Manishankar Mondal Assistant Professor, Khulna University, Chanchal K. Roy University of Saskatchewan, Banani Roy University of Saskatchewan, Kevin Schneider University of Saskatchewan
Media Attached

Information for Participants
Tue 18 May 2021 16:50 - 17:20 at ICPC Main Room - Improving Code Quality Chair(s): Venera Arnaoudova
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