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MOBILESoft 2020
Mon 13 - Wed 15 July 2020
co-located with ICSE 2020
Wed 15 Jul 2020 07:30 - 07:45 at MobileSoft - Energy Consumption Chair(s): Fabio Palomba

Context. Since today mobile devices have limited battery life, the energy consumption of the software running on them can play a strong role with respect to the success of mobile-based businesses. Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) are built using common web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and are commonly used for providing a better user experience to mobile users. Caching is the main technique used by PWA developers for optimizing network usage and for providing a meaningful experience even when the user’s device is offline.

Goal. This paper aims at assessing the impact of caching on both the energy consumption and performance of PWAs.

Method. We conducted an empirical experiment targeting 9 real PWAs developed by third-party developers. The experiment is designed as a 1 factor - 2 treatments study, with the usage of caching as the single factor and the status of the cache as treatments (empty vs populated cache). The response variables of the experiment are (i) the energy consumption of the mobile device and (ii) the page load time of the PWAs. The experiment is executed on a real Android device running the Mozilla Firefox browser.

Results. Our results show that PWAs do not consume significantly different amounts of energy when loaded either with an empty or populated cache. However, the page load time of PWAs is significantly lower when the cache is already populated, with a medium effect size.

Conclusions. This study confirms that PWAs are promising in terms of energy consumption and provides evidence that caching can be safely exploited by PWA developers concerned with energy consumption. The study provides also empirical evidence that caching is an effective technique for improving the user experience in terms of page loading time of PWAs.

Wed 15 Jul

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07:00 - 08:30
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Media Attached
Q&A - Energy Consumption
Paper Presentations

Discussion with Authors / Attendees
Paper Presentations
